Good Touch And Bad Touch

Educating Children About Good Touch and Bad Touch.

Good Touch

Good Touch includes hugs from parents, Doctor checking you in presence of your parents, Your teacher patting you for doing your homework, Your parents giving you a bath.

How do I know if my kid needs help?

Good Touch For Girls

Good Touch

Finding the right kind of help

Good Touch For Girls

Good Touch

What to do if treatment isn’t working

Good Touch for Boys

Good Touch

What to do if treatment isn’t working

Good Touch for Boys

Good Touch

Bad Touch

If a touch hurts you or makes you feel uncomfortable, it is a Bad Touch. Children being touched on their private body parts without reason or someone touching you and telling you to keep quiet are examples of a Bad Touch.

What to look for in a diagnosis

Bad Touch for Girls

Bad Touch

What to expect from your first phone call

Bad Touch for Girls

Bad Touch

Preparing for the first appointment

Bad Touch for Girls

Bad Touch

What to do if treatment isn’t working

Bad Touch for Girls

Bad Touch

What to do if treatment isn’t working

Bad Touch for Girls

Bad Touch

What to do if treatment isn’t working

Bad Touch for Girls

Bad Touch

What to do if treatment isn’t working

Bad Touch for Boys

Bad Touch

What to do if treatment isn’t working

Bad Touch for Boys

Bad Touch

Assessing learning issues

Bad Touch for Boys

Bad Touch

Students Practice


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