Stop Bullying

Rion's Story

How do I know if my kid needs help?

Scene 1

Rion was a happy and brilliant child who felt school was a fun place to learn and play.

Finding the right kind of help

Scene 2

But he seemed to be upset from a few days as his few classmates started to make fun of his dark color.

What to look for in a diagnosis

Scene 3

He felt sad and fearful. He cornered himself in the class and withdrew from all activities.

What to expect from your first phone call

Scene 4

Those guys continued to tease Rion.

Preparing for the first appointment

Scene 5

Fearful Rion refused to go to school as he was scared of getting bullied again.

What to do if treatment isn’t working

Scene 6

Rion's parents being unaware of the real matter forcefully send him to school.

What to do if treatment isn’t working

Scene 7

Rion reached the school campus but did not enter the school and stood outside feeling sad and depressed.

What to do if treatment isn’t working

Scene 8

Meanwhile Rion's classmates Darla and Dennis noticed this and went to him. They ask him to come along. But he refused to come inside.

What to do if treatment isn’t working

Scene 9

Darla and Dennis ask him about the matter for which Rion tells that how few of his classmates are bullying him for his dark skin.

What to do if treatment isn’t working

Scene 10

Darla and Dennis encourage Rion and take him to the class teacher, where he tells the entire incident.

What to do if treatment isn’t working

Scene 11

The class teacher after listening to them calls those guys who bullied Rion and makes them understand that bullying anyone is a wrongful act.

Assessing learning issues

Scene 12

They understood that everyone should be treated the same. They felt guilty for their behavior and promised to be friends forever.

Students Practice


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